Play 8Bit / C64 Games Quartett against the CPU or your friends via network.daLaMa proudly present:8Bit / C64 Games Quartett - Top Trumps8BitGames-Qua
Play 8Bit / C64 Games Quartett against the CPU or your friends via network.
daLaMa proudly present:
8Bit / C64 Games Quartett - Top Trumps
8BitGames-Quartet is a super-trump/top trumps/mega-trump quartet card game. It consists of 32 cards, each has 5 attributes:
cult faktor, graphics, sound, playtime and releasedate. Choose the best attribute and defeat your opponent.
Play 8Bit-Games-Quartet against the CPU or your friends via network. This game is absolutely FREE!
The following C64 games are included in the pack of cards :
Last Ninja 2, Turrican 2, Gina Sisters, Bubble Bobble, Archon, Pirates, Boulder Dash, Zak McKracken, Manic Mansion, Oil Imperium, Defender of the Crown, Princes of Persia, Summer Games 2, Katakis. Wizard of Wor. Buggy Boy, The Detective Game, International Karate, Spherical, Bararian 2, X-Out, Hawkeye, Ghosts’n Goblins, Raid Over Moscow, Cauldron, Nebulus, Midnight Resistance, First Samurai, MYTH, Test Drive.
daLaMa hope you...
Have fun!